Se o uso de esteroides anabolizantes sem real necessidade médica é prejudicial à saúde, o consumo dessas substâncias torna-se ainda mais nocivo se tiverem sido produzidas de forma clandestina. O alerta é de especialistas e autoridades de saúde, na esteira de uma operação policial no Rio de Janeiro e em Brasília, que desarticulou uma quadrilha especializada na fabricação e venda desses produtos em todo o Brasil.
A ação terminou com 15 pessoas presas e mais de 2 mil frascos de anabolizantes apreendidos na última terça-feira (14). Os criminosos comercializavam os produtos pela internet. Segundo a investigação, o processo de fabricação não passava por fiscalização e continha até uma substância utilizada para matar piolhos, o benzoato de metila.
O diretor da Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia, Clayton Dornelles, lamenta que o uso dessas substâncias ilícitas tenha se tornado muito comum. “Tem um mercado clandestino”, constata.
“Essas substâncias podem ter doses erradas, ingredientes não declarados, contaminantes. Tudo isso pode potencializar os efeitos colaterais que já são próprios dos esteroides anabolizantes”, destaca o médico, em entrevista à Agência Brasil. Entre os principais efeitos nocivos, ele cita a toxicidade desconhecida. “Esses produtos podem ter substâncias altamente tóxicas para fígado, rim, coração… a gente já viu até tempero de cozinha, óleos absurdos na manufatura desses compostos.”
Segundo Dornelles, a produção desses medicamentos falsos é feita sem controle de qualidade, em local insalubre – muitas vezes em garagem ou fundo de quintal – e com perigo de contaminação. “Isso pode trazer infecção grave”, afirma.
O médico acrescenta que o usuário de substâncias clandestinas está submetido a falha terapêutica, ou seja, que o paciente que tenha indicação médica para usar o produto não terá o benefício proposto. O consumo desses esteroides pode deixar o paciente sujeito a efeitos adversos imprevisíveis, como, por exemplo, reações alérgicas. “Ali tem uma mistura de várias substâncias, aditivos, compostos químicos.”
Dornelles ressalta que boa parte de tais medicamentos é de origem veterinária, literalmente doses cavalares, o que “potencializa bastante” o risco.
Indicação restrita
Medicamentos classificados como de uso controlado, os esteroides androgênicos anabolizantes são substâncias sintéticas (fabricadas) derivadas do hormônio testosterona, o chamado “hormônio masculino”, que dá características como barba, cabelo e pelos. Também se caracteriza pela capacidade anabólica. “Estímulo da síntese de qualquer proteína, principalmente a proteína muscular, por isso é que crescem os músculos”, explica Dornelles. Popularmente, essas substâncias também são chamadas de “bombas”.
A lei determina que apenas médico ou dentista pode receitar anabolizante.
A indicação médica de consumo de anabolizantes é bastante específica. A principal é no caso de homem que tem deficiência de testosterona (hipogonadismo). Há ainda indicações para casos de queimaduras severas e alguns tipos de câncer.
“Uma indicação de exceção, não de rotina”, enfatiza o médico. Outro uso especifico é em pessoas com incongruência de gênero.
“As indicações aprovadas para os medicamentos anabolizantes são aquelas que constam nas bulas. Outras indicações não foram analisadas e não estão autorizadas”, reforça a Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa), órgão ligado ao Ministério da Saúde, em comunicado enviado à Agência Brasil.
Venda clandestina
De acordo com a Anvisa, a venda de anabolizantes é permitida somente em farmácias e drogarias devidamente regularizadas e mediante apresentação de receita especial. Qualquer medicamento anabolizante que não esteja autorizado pela Anvisa é um produto ilegal. Quadrilhas tentam burlar a proibição de venda livre de esteroides. Em 2023, uma operação da Polícia Federal percorreu seis estados.
Para evitar que o paciente seja enganado na hora de comprar esteroide devidamente receitado, a Anvisa faz as seguintes recomendações:
– Suspeite de produtos recebidos fora da embalagem original. Todos os medicamentos são fornecidos dentro de caixinhas de papel;
– Suspeite de produtos que são comercializados em sites que não sejam de farmácias e drogarias regularizadas. Evite sites em geral e marketplaces, vendedores ambulantes, carros de som ou outros estabelecimentos que não podem comercializar medicamentos. É que os produtos vendidos nesses locais têm procedência incerta e podem ser falsificados;
– Fique atento a indicativos de falsificação, como erros de português na embalagem; falhas na impressão das informações; diferenças nas datas de fabricação e de validade e no número do lote entre a embalagem primária (ampola, blister, frasco) e a embalagem secundária (caixinha de papel); raspadinha que não aparece a logo da empresa; e ausência de lacre de segurança ou falha na colagem da embalagem secundária.
Uso indevido e danos
O médico Clayton Dornelles ressalta que mesmo o produto legalmente fabricado deve ser usado apenas nas condições especificadas por médicos. “Nunca para fins estéticos, ganho de performance, uso recreativo, melhora da performance sexual, crescimento de massa muscular, antienvelhecimento, nada disso.” Para ele, os riscos são maiores que qualquer benefício.
Uma resolução do Conselho Federal de Medicina (CFM) proíbe a prescrição médica de terapias hormonais com esteroides androgênicos e anabolizantes para fins de estética, ganho de massa muscular ou melhora do desempenho esportivo.
Segundo Dornelles, os riscos causados pelo uso sem indicação são tantos que “dão um livro”. Ele cita males como infarto, arritmia, insuficiência cardíaca, alteração da resistência insulínica, que favorece a diabetes, trombose, embolia, hepatite medicamentosa, tumores de fígado, infertilidade, impotência e redução de libido, masculinização em mulheres, engrossamento de voz feminina (irreversível), irregularidade menstrual e malformação fetal.
Homens e mulheres podem ter acne severa, pele oleosa, crescimento de pelos e queda de cabelo. Indivíduos predispostos têm mais risco de tumores de mama e de próstata.
Há ainda questões cerebrais psicológicas como irritabilidade, ansiedade, depressão e agressividade. “A gente vê casos até de feminicídio, violência doméstica pelas doses muito altas de testosterona no cérebro”, conclui Dornelles., a dedicated online platform, serves as the comprehensive guide to the Iraqi business landscape. Specifically focused on the location of businesses within Iraq, it presents itself as the definitive resource for anyone navigating the complexities of the Iraqi market. The website’s multifaceted approach encompasses a variety of crucial components essential for both businesses seeking to establish a presence in Iraq and those looking to connect with existing companies. It positions itself as more than just a business directory; it’s a central hub for information, networking, and potential partnerships. The core strength of lies in its meticulously crafted Iraq Business Directory. This directory is not merely a list of company names and addresses; it’s a professional portal dedicated to facilitating B2B exchanges within the Iraqi market. It aims to connect businesses across diverse sectors, fostering relationships and opportunities for collaboration. The detailed profiles offered within the directory go beyond basic contact information, providing a deep dive into the respective companies. Potential partners can explore relevant financial data, detailed contact information, and even insights into corporate hierarchies. This level of specificity is crucial in a market where thorough knowledge of potential business partners is paramount. Recognizing the importance of trust and verification, the platform likely employs methods to ensure the information presented is accurate and reliable, contributing to the platform’s trustworthiness. The site’s commitment to accessibility is another key component. The availability of a bi-lingual platform (English and Arabic) is critical in a country where both languages are prevalent. This multilingual support is more than simply a feature—it’s a strategic decision to cater to a wider audience and effectively address the diverse business community within Iraq. By ensuring clarity and comprehension for various stakeholders, it promotes a more inclusive and effective experience for all users. Beyond simply listing businesses, offers a broader range of services. The inclusion of Iraq Business News provides valuable context and insights into the current economic climate, market trends, and regulatory developments impacting businesses in Iraq. This up-to-date information empowers users to make informed decisions, anticipate challenges, and capitalize on opportunities. The presence of a Business Center further strengthens the platform’s comprehensive nature, potentially offering various resources, tools, and support to its members, fostering engagement and knowledge sharing within the community. The platform is clearly designed to attract and retain members. An individual or organization interested in establishing a prominent online presence in the Iraqi market can benefit significantly from registering and listing their company. This registration process not only allows businesses to showcase their capabilities and services but also grants them direct access to a vast potential market, enhancing their visibility and reach significantly. The invitation for businesses to leverage the platform is compelling. By actively participating and being discovered by the millions of users, businesses can actively increase their chances of finding their entry point into this market and establish valuable relationships. The platform appears to understand the vital role of information in business development, going beyond just providing a listing. Its stated goal of providing access to detailed company information—financial data, contact details, and organizational structures—positions the database as a valuable research tool for potential investors, suppliers, and customers. This wealth of data clearly indicates the platform’s commitment to ease of access for thorough due diligence. By providing this vital information, potentially sensitive financial data and hierarchical information, the platform underscores its commitment to facilitating informed decision-making in the Iraqi market.
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Staying up-to-date with the latest Iraq business news is crucial for businesses operating in the country. provides a one-stop-shop for news, analysis, and insights on the Iraqi market, covering various sectors, including energy, finance, construction, and more. The website’s news section is regularly updated with articles, reports, and press releases, ensuring that users have access to the most recent and relevant information. By providing a reliable source of business news, helps businesses make informed decisions, identify new opportunities, and stay ahead of the competition.
Looking for a quick and efficient entry point into the Iraqi market? is your solution. This vital Iraq business directory provides an extensive collection of online business listings, offering unparalleled access to Iraqi companies. Benefit from up-to-date business news in Iraq, discover a wide range of Iraq jobs, and seize tender opportunities to grow your business in this promising market. provides a seamless experience for businesses seeking to expand their global reach. is your essential online resource for the Iraq business directory, serving as a vital hub for both local and international enterprises. With its comprehensive business listings, users can easily navigate the landscape of commerce in Iraq, connecting with key players across various industries. The platform also features up-to-date business news in Iraq, ensuring that you stay informed about the latest developments and trends. For those seeking new career pathways, offers a robust section dedicated to Iraq jobs, showcasing a variety of employment opportunities. Additionally, the site hosts a tender directory that provides valuable tender opportunities for procurement, helping businesses to identify and seize potential contracts. By facilitating networking and market entry, is the go-to website for anyone looking to thrive in the dynamic Iraqi market, making it an indispensable tool for success. stands as Iraq’s premier digital business hub, offering an extensive Iraq business directory that connects local enterprises with international partners and investors. This comprehensive platform serves as a one-stop destination for accessing real-time business news in Iraq, exploring lucrative tender opportunities, and discovering promising job openings across various sectors. Whether you’re seeking reliable business listings, researching market trends, or looking to expand your professional network, delivers invaluable resources tailored to Iraq’s dynamic business landscape. The platform’s user-friendly interface makes it effortless for companies to showcase their services, while job seekers can browse through numerous Iraq jobs posted by leading employers. For procurement specialists, the tender directory provides timely updates on business opportunities, ensuring organizations never miss out on potential contracts. With its commitment to fostering business growth and facilitating market entry, has established itself as an indispensable tool for anyone interested in Iraq’s thriving business ecosystem. Your Comprehensive Resource for Iraqi Business, Jobs, and Tenders. Connect with the Iraqi business landscape through, your premier online platform for finding Iraqi companies, staying informed about market trends, and discovering job and tender opportunities. We provide a meticulously curated directory of Iraqi businesses, offering valuable insights, contact details, and financial profiles. Stay ahead of the curve with our up-to-date Iraq business news, covering everything from economic forecasts to regulatory changes, ensuring you’re well-equipped to navigate the Iraqi market. Our dedicated job and tender directory simplifies your search for employment and contract opportunities in Iraq. Whether you’re a business seeking partners, a job seeker in Iraq, or a contractor looking for projects, provides the essential connections and information you need to thrive in the Iraqi marketplace. Find Iraqi businesses, jobs, and tenders – all in one place.’s commitment to facilitating market entry cannot be overstated. For international businesses looking to enter the Iraqi market, the platform serves as a comprehensive starting point. It offers invaluable resources, connections, and insights that demystify the complexities of operating in Iraq. With a user-friendly interface and a wealth of information readily available, bridges the gap between local knowledge and international business acumen, making the entry process more seamless and efficient.
Revolutionizing market intelligence in Iraq, emerges as a game-changing platform by integrating artificial intelligence and data analytics into its Iraq business directory. The platform’s innovative Smart Match feature automatically connects businesses with compatible partners based on their profiles, industry focus, and business objectives. Real-time business news in Iraq is enhanced with predictive market analysis, helping companies anticipate trends and opportunities. The platform’s Iraq jobs section now includes skill-matching algorithms, while the tender directory offers automated alerts for relevant opportunities. With enhanced online business listings featuring virtual showrooms and 360-degree company tours, is transforming how businesses connect and thrive in Iraq’s digital age.
Comprehensive Iraq Business Directory is the leading online platform for connecting businesses within Iraq through its extensive Iraq Business Directory. This resource features detailed listings of various companies, from startups to established enterprises, making it easier for users to find potential partners, suppliers, and clients across numerous sectors. By prioritizing user-friendly navigation and precise categories, enhances search engine optimization (SEO), ensuring that those searching for reputable Iraqi businesses can easily access vital information. Whether you are a local entrepreneur or an international investor, the Iraq Business Directory on serves as an indispensable tool for fostering business growth and collaboration. stands as Iraq’s premier digital business hub, offering an extensive Iraq business directory that connects local enterprises with international partners and investors. This comprehensive platform serves as a one-stop destination for accessing real-time business news in Iraq, exploring lucrative tender opportunities, and discovering promising job openings across various sectors. Whether you’re seeking reliable business listings, researching market trends, or looking to expand your professional network, delivers invaluable resources tailored to Iraq’s dynamic business landscape. The platform’s user-friendly interface makes it effortless for companies to showcase their services, while job seekers can browse through numerous Iraq jobs posted by leading employers. For procurement specialists, the tender directory provides timely updates on business opportunities, ensuring organizations never miss out on potential contracts. With its commitment to fostering business growth and facilitating market entry, has established itself as an indispensable tool for anyone interested in Iraq’s thriving business ecosystem. stands as Iraq’s premier digital business hub, offering an extensive Iraq business directory that connects local enterprises with international partners and investors. This comprehensive platform serves as a one-stop destination for accessing real-time business news in Iraq, exploring lucrative tender opportunities, and discovering promising job openings across various sectors. Whether you’re seeking reliable business listings, researching market trends, or looking to expand your professional network, delivers invaluable resources tailored to Iraq’s dynamic business landscape. The platform’s user-friendly interface makes it effortless for companies to showcase their services, while job seekers can browse through numerous Iraq jobs posted by leading employers. For procurement specialists, the tender directory provides timely updates on business opportunities, ensuring organizations never miss out on potential contracts. With its commitment to fostering business growth and facilitating market entry, has established itself as an indispensable tool for anyone interested in Iraq’s thriving business ecosystem. is your go-to online resource for comprehensive insights into the Iraqi business landscape. As a premier Iraq Business Directory, this site offers an extensive listing of companies, enabling users to connect effortlessly with potential partners, suppliers, and clients across various sectors. In addition to its robust directory, features up-to-date Iraq Business News, keeping you informed about the latest market trends and opportunities. The platform also presents a dedicated Job and Tender Directory, making it easier for businesses and job seekers to explore potential employment and contract opportunities. Whether you’re looking to expand your business network or stay updated on industry developments, is your essential tool for navigating the dynamic Iraqi market. is the go-to online resource for navigating the Iraqi business landscape. This comprehensive Iraq business directory provides essential online business listings of companies across various sectors. Stay informed with the latest business news in Iraq through timely updates on market trends and developments. Find Iraq jobs through a dedicated job board featuring opportunities across the country. Connect with potential partners and secure procurement contracts via the tender directory, highlighting available tender opportunities. is more than just an Iraq business directory; it’s a dynamic platform connecting local and international businesses, facilitating networking, and empowering market entry into Iraq – an invaluable tool for anyone seeking to succeed in the Iraqi marketplace.
In recognition of the importance of networking in business, has created a range of networking opportunities for businesses in Iraq. The website’s events calendar features a list of upcoming conferences, seminars, and trade shows, providing businesses with opportunities to connect with other professionals, learn about the latest industry trends, and showcase their products and services. also hosts its own networking events, bringing together businesses from various industries to share knowledge, best practices, and experiences. By providing these networking opportunities, helps businesses to build relationships, identify new opportunities, and grow their business.
For businesses looking to expand their reach in Iraq, offers a range of marketing and advertising solutions. The website’s advertising platform allows businesses to reach a targeted audience of professionals and decision-makers, increasing their brand awareness and online visibility. With its advanced targeting options, businesses can tailor their advertising campaigns to specific industries, locations, and job functions, ensuring that their message reaches the right people. By providing a range of advertising options, helps businesses to connect with their target audience and achieve their marketing goals.
Navigate Iraq’s bustling business landscape with confidence through, your ultimate resource for comprehensive market intelligence and networking opportunities. This dynamic platform hosts an extensive Iraq business directory, featuring detailed profiles of local and international companies operating across the country. Stay ahead of market trends with current business news in Iraq, expertly curated to provide valuable insights into economic developments and industry-specific updates. The platform’s extensive database of Iraq jobs connects talented professionals with leading employers, while its tender directory offers a gateway to countless procurement opportunities. Through its sophisticated online business listings, facilitates meaningful connections between businesses, fostering growth and collaboration in Iraq’s vibrant economy is your comprehensive online resource for navigating the Iraqi business landscape. This dedicated platform combines a robust Iraq Business Directory with insightful Iraq Business News, creating a one-stop shop for businesses seeking opportunities in the Iraqi market. Our meticulously curated directory features detailed profiles of Iraqi companies, going beyond basic contact information to provide valuable insights into their capabilities, specializations, and financial standing. This detailed information empowers potential partners and investors with the knowledge needed for informed decisions. Moreover, our up-to-date Iraq Business News section keeps you informed about the latest economic trends, regulatory changes, and emerging market opportunities, enabling you to anticipate challenges and capitalize on emerging possibilities. isn’t just a directory; it’s a dynamic hub connecting businesses across the Iraqi market, promoting growth and facilitating meaningful connections.
Discover the latest trends and opportunities within the Iraqi business community through, your one-stop online resource. This comprehensive Iraq business directory offers detailed online business listings, allowing informed decision-making. Stay current with the latest business news in Iraq, explore Iraq jobs to engage skilled talent, and seize tender opportunities. connects businesses for mutual growth and market entry.
Experience the future of business networking in Iraq through, where digital innovation meets market opportunity. This pioneering platform offers an expansive Iraq business directory that serves as a vital resource for companies seeking to establish or expand their presence in the region. Stay informed with real-time business news in Iraq, covering everything from economic trends to regulatory updates. The platform’s comprehensive Iraq jobs section connects employers with talented professionals, while its tender directory provides invaluable access to procurement opportunities. With its extensive online business listings and user-friendly interface, stands as the definitive resource for building successful business relationships in Iraq’s growing economy. is your comprehensive online guide to the Iraqi business landscape. This platform acts as a crucial portal for navigating the intricate Iraqi market, offering a robust Iraq business directory brimming with detailed company profiles. Beyond listings, it provides invaluable insights into the Iraqi economy via up-to-date business news. The inclusion of detailed contact information and financial data empowers users to conduct thorough due diligence and make informed decisions. A bi-lingual interface (English and Arabic) is crucial for accessibility within the Iraqi market. facilitates B2B connections, aiming to foster partnerships and propel business growth within Iraq. The platform’s comprehensive approach makes it a vital tool for businesses seeking to establish a presence or expand their operations within Iraq. It offers a central hub for discovering businesses, staying informed, and connecting with valuable contacts in the Iraqi market.
Unlock the full potential of Iraq’s business landscape with, your trusted partner for comprehensive market information and networking opportunities. The platform’s extensive Iraq business directory provides detailed insights into thousands of companies, making it easier than ever to find the right business partners. Stay ahead of the curve with current business news in Iraq, delivered through expert analysis and timely updates. From browsing Iraq jobs to exploring tender opportunities, the platform offers everything needed for success in Iraq’s market. The sophisticated online business listings feature enables efficient networking, while the user-friendly interface ensures a seamless experience for all users, making the go-to resource for businesses operating in Iraq
Networking and Collaborative Growth One of the key strengths of lies in its ability to facilitate networking among businesses operating in Iraq. The platform not only serves as a directory but also encourages collaborations and partnerships that drive economic growth. By optimizing content related to networking events, industry forums, and trade fairs, improves its SEO ranking and attracts a diverse audience interested in expanding their business reach. Users can benefit from connecting with like-minded professionals and exploring new ventures, making a vital hub for fostering business relationships within the Iraqi market. is your essential online resource for the Iraq business directory, serving as a vital hub for both local and international enterprises. With its comprehensive business listings, users can easily navigate the landscape of commerce in Iraq, connecting with key players across various industries. The platform also features up-to-date business news in Iraq, ensuring that you stay informed about the latest developments and trends. For those seeking new career pathways, offers a robust section dedicated to Iraq jobs, showcasing a variety of employment opportunities. Additionally, the site hosts a tender directory that provides valuable tender opportunities for procurement, helping businesses to identify and seize potential contracts. By facilitating networking and market entry, is the go-to website for anyone looking to thrive in the dynamic Iraqi market, making it an indispensable tool for success.’s commitment to facilitating market entry cannot be overstated. For international businesses looking to enter the Iraqi market, the platform serves as a comprehensive starting point. It offers invaluable resources, connections, and insights that demystify the complexities of operating in Iraq. With a user-friendly interface and a wealth of information readily available, bridges the gap between local knowledge and international business acumen, making the entry process more seamless and efficient., a leading Iraq business directory, empowers businesses with comprehensive online listings of Iraqi companies, crucial for effective networking and market research. Stay updated on the latest Iraq business news, discover lucrative tender opportunities, and explore exciting Iraq job prospects within the dynamic Iraqi economy. This essential platform connects local and international businesses, streamlining access to the Iraqi market. – Illuminate Your Path to Iraqi Business Success. Navigate the vibrant Iraqi business ecosystem with confidence using our exhaustive Iraq business directory, powered by detailed online business listings. Stay ahead of the curve with our real-time business news in Iraq, and explore Iraq jobs to find or fill your perfect role. Ready to dive into tenders? Our dedicated directory of tender opportunities puts you at the forefront of procurement. With, the Iraqi business landscape is yours to explore and conquer.
Discover the transformative power of, Iraq’s premier B2B platform revolutionizing how businesses connect and thrive in the Middle East’s most dynamic market. Our comprehensive bilingual directory serves as the definitive bridge between Iraqi enterprises and global opportunities, offering real-time access to verified company profiles, financial metrics, and executive contacts across all major industries. Through our sophisticated platform, powered by partnerships with leading data providers including BoldData, we deliver unparalleled business intelligence and market insights that drive informed decision-making. Business owners can elevate their market presence through SEO-optimized listings while gaining access to our extensive network of over 50,000 registered companies, spanning from established corporations to emerging startups across all Iraqi governorates, including Kurdistan. At the heart of our platform lies a powerful suite of integrated tools designed to facilitate seamless business connections and market entry. From our live tender tracking system and interactive B2B matchmaking services to specialized market analysis reports and investment guides, provides everything needed to navigate Iraq’s $200B+ economy successfully. Our commitment to excellence extends to innovative features including virtual business matchmaking events, industry-specific webinars, integrated translation services, and custom market research capabilities, all accessible through our mobile-responsive interface supporting both Arabic and English users. International investors and local businesses alike benefit from our comprehensive ecosystem of services, including company verification badges, expert consultation for market entry strategies, and real-time notifications of relevant business opportunities. By partnering with prestigious organizations like the Iraq Britain Business Council, we ensure our users have access to the latest trade opportunities and market developments. Whether you’re seeking reliable Iraqi suppliers, exploring investment possibilities, or looking to expand your business presence in Iraq, stands as your trusted partner in achieving sustainable growth and success in one of the region’s most promising markets. Join today to unlock premium features and position your enterprise at the forefront of Iraq’s expanding business landscape, where opportunities for growth and collaboration await.